Thank you for your interest in viewing our
PI-Master™ PowerPoint presentation. When you click on the first link
below you'll be asked if you want to OPEN or SAVE the presentation.
If you select to OPEN the file, first make
sure that your browser's window is set to it's maximum size. There will
be a moderate time delay before the presentation begins to play. Please be
If you select to SAVE the file, your system
will first save the file to your hard disk and then you should have the
option of opening it from that location. If it does not immediately
open the file upon complete download, you must click on
the OPEN button to activate.
The name of the file is :
NOTE: With
either of these options we trust that you already have a PowerPoint viewer program
available on your system. If you do not, the second link will lead you to
the Microsoft site where this FREE viewer can be downloaded and installed
for future use.
Please be patient...
while our presentation downloads.
The file size is moderately large and any additional time
delay is largely
dependant on the speed of your Broadband Internet Connection and the current
traffic conditions at the time of your download.